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Linggo, Marso 13, 2011

My Choosen Carrer

Computer is the latest gadget world. This gadget is portable,In general definition, computer is an electronic device that can be programmed to accept data as input, process it into a useful information or input,and store it in a secondary storage device for safekeeping or later reuse. It helps us to make our work easier, it is also use to communicate other people and give information tat what is happening in our world. 

It is the one(1) device used to control other gadget sometimes, it dedicate to us for improving our society, it serves us, bring to us to high technology community. Computer can command all telegadget desire. It can transfer messages and data from one place to another. It helps also to gain knowledge.

I choose Computer Science Course because for me first it is very interesting and i think in the past computer since not yet invented they need to use typewriter but now a days, our world is in HIGH TECHNOLOGY... For being a comscie student, based on my experience it helps to lessen the work. Computer is the most in demand job all over the world, and when you are a graduate of Computer Courses you can easily find job because there many establishments who needs a computer graduate. 

One  (1) of my reason why i take Computer Science course is because i just want to follow my cousin which is graduated the same course and also a fruit of  HERCOR COLLEGE and now she is working in a government establishment. She find  a work after she graduated after 1 months perhaps that was so easy to find  job as Computer Student Graduate. Second (2) reason is i just want to know what is the advantage and disadvantage and also the benefit of computer to us.